A relationship is like a house. when a lightblub burn out you do not go and buy a new house, you fix the lightbulb
the person who can always make me smile :)
who is the one person who can always make me smile?Even when I’m mad at him?Even when he makes me cry?Even when he makes fun …
hi guys
Hi guys, mau nyapa biar ga dibilang sombong 😉 This week really will be the akward week (⌣́_⌣̀) duh, cenat cenut. Galaow dah paling enak …
hello eve
the greatest skin 😀 how? how? is that cool? cool laaah
my career!
penguguman !!!!!! hallo eve! happy new eve! I love you eve! eve? who is eve….? eva eva evaaaa (*abaikan*) *dancing* tinggal nunggu detik detik menuju …
kenapa poconggg?
sebelum postingan gue kali ini dimulai, gue mau bikin salam pembuka duluhallo kawaan , haloo semuaa, hallooloooloooh hawloooh, kok ga jawab sih–_–“ ….. lo semua …
hulla hup guys, hmm oke this night will be the night and I’ll fall for you over again… (ketauan banget nyonte lirik lagu) gue juga …
new post
oke atas permintaan para pembaca setia (masih berharap ada) gue ngebuat postingan lagi 😀 PENGUNGUMAN telah pulang ke rahmatullah handphone nokia entah type apa warna …
this is my post
pertama : bismillahirahmanirrahimkedua : halooo kawan kawan pencinta blog ini -__- tenang tenang saya tau, silahkan yg mau close tab nyaketiga : baca aja dah …